卧室床头装饰英文-床头 英文

卧室装饰 65

接下来为大家讲解卧室床头装饰英文,以及床头 英文涉及的相关信息,愿对你有所帮助。



1、I like my bedroom very much. 我的卧室英语作文 篇16 I have a beautiful room。 Although my room is very ***all, I love it very much。 Look, there is a bed near the window。 I like sunshine so my bed is set near the window。


卧室床头装饰英文-床头 英文

3、如下:There is a bed near the door.门旁边是一张床。There is a desk and a bookcase near the window.窗户旁边是一个桌子和一个书柜。There are many books in the bookcase and on the desk.书柜里面和桌子上有很多书。

4、This is my room. There is a bed near the window. The bed is ***all. There is a desk and two chairs in it. There are some books on the desk. The walls are very white. There are some pictures on the wall. There is a bookshelf near the desk.是我的房间。

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卧室床头装饰英文-床头 英文